I am lame. Due to work, family, weather and other reasons - including allergies that are killing me this spring - I've barely ridden a bike in over two weeks. Well, outside anyway - excluding a cruise around the neighborhood over the weekend.
I have however hit the trainer in the garage a few times. This usually occurs after the family has settled in - so, ah - 10:00 PM or so. The other night it was 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM on the trainer. Yeah - then try to sleep afterwards. Climb off the thing soaked with sweat, ears ringing from iPod set to stun. Perfect way to wind down before bed.
Today's torture session was a little early, 9:30 PM - 10:30 PM. As I'm spinning along on my old RB-1, mounted on a 1980s era Supergo wind trainer, sitting in a cluttered garage, sweating away with the Ramones blasting in my ears - wonder how many other 47 year old guys are doing the same thing.
Must be at least 3 other idiots somewhere in the world rocking around the clock with me.
Then again, maybe not....