Daughter Amy scored the unexpected new bike today. Neighborhood friend has graduated to a 24" wheel bike, selling her 20" wheel Kona to Amy. This one an upgrade over her singlespeed Trek; the Kona with 7 speeds, V-Brakes and a suspension fork. Still a "kids" bike, but pretty decent. It should work out great, then with used purchased price - when resell time comes around for us - practically used it for free. The way to roll with growing kids.
She fits it well, we cruised around a bit today. Her skills have progressed enough for us to potentially try a little dirt action. Fantastic. Son Ian had a similar bike a few years ago - a Giant MTX 125. That bike kicked off his first dirt rides with me. If Amy is interested, hopefully the same story.
Earlier in the day, good clean fun with another edition of the "Old Guy Ride". Pretty big group today, including my neighbor Dave and work pal Brian, along for the first time. Pace was a little quicker the normal, thanks to ride leader Scott. Awesome way to spend a few hours in the woods. Son Ian sat out this ride with a bit of a cold and needed sleep.
Maybe in a few years, Amy will join the "Old Guys" for a spin on the singletrack. That would be damn cool.