Christmas 2009

This year, I wasn't able to fly to Naples because I was 37 weeks pregnant.  So we decided to stay in TX and rent a place on Mustang Island about 3 hours away from San Antonio.  I just happened to get double ear infections AND a sinus infection, but luckily got some medicine halfway through break so I was in better spirits towards the end of the trip.  And thank God for grandparents and uncles there to help out. This would be our last Christmas as a family of three :)


Percy-he used to be really into Thomas the Train

Robert came to stay with us for a couple of days

really looks like I have a basketball in there!

Santa was at the hospital while I did my tour :)

Here is a video of me at 37 weeks pregnant playing the Just Dance game for the Wii with Kyle--trying to bring on labor :)

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