Naptime Love

Over Christmas break Coltrane really started to say more words.  (He and Kingston both are/were late talkers, but early walkers I should add ;)  One of the words, or phrases rather that he started to say was, "I love you."  Dear God, those three little words coming out of a toddlers mouth for the first time is one of THE best moments for a parent.  It sounds more like, I yuv youuuuuuu.

Today as I was doing our naptime routine he interrupted me during prayers (he had his hands clasped btw) and I was holding him and he said, "Mamma, mamma." and we were face to face and he then said, "I love you" and gave me a hug.  I'm still not sure how I'm typing this because I'm pretty positive that I'm still melted on his floor.  LOVE him.