Baby Powder

Tonight, all four of us were snuggled in bed because well, the boys asked and I am not opposed to extra snuggle buggles and laying with them until they fall asleep ~ cue co-sleeping bed scene with Maggie Gyllenhaal from Away We Go ~  And if you know me, then you know it was as if I'd died and gone to heaven, especially since Kyle agreed to lay with them too (attachment parent right here)

I could tell by the breaths of my boys that Kingston had already drifted off to sleep and that Coltrane would follow suit in any minute.  As I closed my eyes, taking in the moment of little beating hearts against mine,  sweet babies breath, snuggles in bed that I know won't go on in their teen years... I kissed Coltrane's cheek and breathed in his baby smell.  I then felt his little hand gently touch my face as to acknowledge my kiss.

I let out a sigh, and thought to myself, I am so in love with this moment and I am SO in love with my babies (in the same voice that the little girl from Despicable Me says when she wins the stuffed pony and says, "It's so fluffy" and I'm not kidding)... ... ...and then I thought, huh, Coltrane's sweet little hand smelled like baby powder, weird but whateva.  I then opened my eyes to get up and stealthily sneak out from their grips and saw why Coltrane's hand smelled like baby powder. Because it  was just chillin, down in his diaper.  Much like in this photo that I took of him the other day during nap time...Sweet.