Eddy - The Cannibal

Pretty cool montage of Eddy Merckx plucked off YouTube, via the Italian Cycling Journal. Give it a spin.

Merckx, perhaps the greatest road cyclist ever, was a bit before my time. So everything gathered via old video, pictures and written stories. Even so, new cyclists realize he was a legend and still know of him.

I always enjoy looking at this era of racing. The steel frames, toe straps, the classic jerseys, no helmets, no eye wear to block the facial expressions. The look of the old film, the now vintage support vehicles, even the way the spectators are dressed - all hark to another age. A classic time for bike racing.

As mentioned, the Eddy era was a bit before my total interest in bicycling. However, not by much, since I pulled bike shop duty in the early '80s. Maybe another reason why I connect in a way to these old clips.