Me: "Ahhh, I forgot what I wrote, did I mess something up?"
My response to myself: "$h!% I totally did"
Me: "Should I have written more than just a paragraph?"
My response to myself: "$h!%., of course I should have"
Me: "Am I screwing him up if what I had to say puts him in with a bad teacher who is going to pave the way for his future education?!"
I kid. you. not.
And then I bought some wine and calmed the f*@% down. These teachers have been teaching for years, some even decades and me, well I'm a freshman when it comes to this parenting of a school aged child. I just can't shake these jitters. Luckily, Kingston seems to be unfazed by the whole thing and is SO excited. We have been talking about school and all the cool new things he'll get to do that he didn't do at pre-school. Like, eat lunch for one thing that he is over the moon about. He better be as I just bought him a $30 lunch box. (shhh, don't tell Kyle) Anyway, I could go on and on and on about MY fears, good God, just wait until my first day of school post... but I'll stop now before I have to get out that bottle of wine. Next stop, school supply shopping!