The Tigers Spring 2012

This is Kingston's 5th season playing soccer, yowza!  I'm not totally sure if this will be his last year playing through the YMCA or if we will move him into a real league in the Fall.  Another mom there pointed out that she kept her oldest who is 7, still with the YMCA so that Duran, her youngest who is Kingston's age would be playing at the same fields for practice, games etc.  I can't believe that I will have to start thinking like that come Spring 2013 since Coltrane will be old enough to start playing!  Anyway, there are a couple new kids on the team, which means, that one of them stole Kingston's number 3 and I think I was the only one upset about it of course.  So he's 9 this year, which I think Kyle is pleased about because that's his favorite number.  Here are a few pictures from his first practice.

He scored a goal in their scrimmage :)